
Questionable... But awesome!!!

Bosco Verticale

Literally translated from Italian, that means 'Vertical Forest'  and it's a real idea, and it's being constructed in Milan, Italy.

It's either a great idea, or a disaster waiting to happen.  I've asked some architecture people I know about green buildings, and they always talk about how tricky it is to a) account for the weight of plants and watering and such, and b)make sure the plants don't destroy EVERYTHING.

The concept and idea came from an architect named Stefano Boeri, who wants to use it as a way to bring the forest back to an urban environment.

I like this idea.  I want to go see it, so it's a darn good thing I know some Italian, because I'm going to be there, gosh darn it.  My hang up is that plant roots are destructive.  There isn't a lot that can withstand it.  We've all seen cement upturned by growing tree roots (sidewalks, for example).  So I'm not sure how the architect is going to prevent that from happening.  I feel like it would be a serious concern.

Not sure how many people heard of this before me, I am rather late in the game on current news and this isn't even current.  The design was created way back in 2006.  The architect stated in one article that he actually tested trees in a wind tunnel to make sure they wouldn't get blown down by the wind if they were up at a great height.  I didn't even think of that, but now all I can picture is an oak tree falling down on my car as I'm driving in stop and go traffic.

I hope it works out.  I really do.  The apartments will cost a lot, but it's an awesome idea.